Customer Love~Reviews

I try to post all reviews here, but honestly I can't keep up and yes I'm that person who needs a website that allows you all to leave reviews. Coming soon!
Check back soon, they are all coming up soon as my fingers can catch up!

Distance Energy Healing + Clearing

"I have been working with Natasha all year. The force in this woman is STRONG. The wisdom she embodies is beautiful and deeply appreciated. She has helped me move a deep infection that was being held in my body for years. I like there is an option for follow ups after sessions by donation.
Thank you Natasha"


"Hello Natasha,
I just read your report from the healing session you gave me this week.
Okay, I will now officially eat my hat here.
I’m impressed at how detailed this was with the anatomy mentioned, then some of it went way over my scientific mind. 

“Tears in my etheric field, attachments. 
The use of the word spirit and entity.

I have questions and would like to book a follow up.

The impact this has had is difficult for me to understand.
Honestly I was expecting  nothing! 
But I’m feeling so much better!! 

Anxiety has subsided, pain in my chest gone. I feel myself again.. it’s hard to explain.

I actually slept a full night for the first time in months!!

Thank you for the after care tips, I would never think to drink more fluids to help the release.

You’ve opened up another world for me.
Thank you greatly for the time you put in."


"As someone who works with public everyday, I get one of these sessions every month, it's a great gift to myself"

Vancouver, BC

"Je suis venu vers elle dans un état de profond chagrin et incapable de réguler ma vie.
Je suis rempli d'amour et enveloppé dans l'énergie de l'amour.
Le poids a été soulagé et je peux bouger plus facilement.
J'étais dubitatif. Merci de m'avoir vu


"I feel so much lighter, the heavy cloud I told you about has lifted. All the tension has left my body along with that terrible headache.
Something else I noticed is that I felt so held and safe.
This is my first distant clearing and I will be coming back to maintain my body and mind.
I wasn't expecting this kind of "report" I keep coming back to read again. It's incredible!
Thank you Natasha!!"

Calgary, Alberta

"Tasha, Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
I was so sick with a nasty sinus and urinary tract infection 
My body was really run down.
I started to feel better very quickly, within the day she started working on me.
 I could feel things shifting and lifting.

She offered gentle guidance for moving forward with this which I deeply appreciated.
I didn’t know fear was a big energy involved with the kidneys and urinary tract. I was told I was holding a lot of fear, which tracks with everything I have been dealing with.

I am in a deep learning process when it comes to my body and health.
Grateful to be able to have this support along the way!"


"TASHA. TASHA. TASHA. What a whole gift it was to receive your package.
It arrived when I was with the kids solo, I brought it in and tucked it away and tonight I was reminded it was waiting for me where I hid it. Right on time. Today I needed a salve against all the white delusion, white violence.. on body and spirit level!! My face has been I don't even *know* what it is.. but I have been googling 'red, itchy, flaky skin patches on face' to try and calm this stress that is erupting..
tonight I put the St. Johns wort oil on it. I'll report back.

It felt obvious I was supposed to use it for that. And on a soul level.. the grief and anger and heartbreak I feel.. in what has been fully whipped up in this country and what today's events foreshadow is so painful.
When I opened the Spirit anointing oil it was SO FAMILIAR. Instant comfort.
I don't know what scent this even is or what I am experiencing, but it felt like some sort of portal to me tonight.
Something ancient and known...

The gift of the body butta is already soaked in on my raw skin on my hands and feels so silky, too.

I can't thank you enough for your generosity, your medicine, your intention.                          
It's all received so fully and exactly 'on time' that I unwrapped the packages tonight... I will keep the anointing oil in my medicine pouch so it's always near.
I send my heart-swell of gratitude your way tonight and look forward to staying in touch with you.

Thank you for witnessing with me and holding it all with me.
I saved your heart medicine picture and look at it to remember the golden thread of connections and true pure support.

I also came here to let you know that I put on the Spirit anointing oil every night and sometimes during particularly challenging spots during the day. It has brought me comfort, protection, safety in a time when I am grasping for those things.
So much love to you."


Chicago, Usa

Of Light and Shadow Bundle

"OMG..I chose to add the vetiver to my Resilience is something I have never experienced before.
I get compliments all the time on the scent.
It’s not a perfume, but the smell is so beautiful it acts like one.
I use it daily to ground in my spiritual practice and just my life!
I find it very centering.
My husband loves using it in his beard.
The scent really invites you in.
This past year I have been working with much grief in my life, the oils in the box have held me.
Dandelion oil is a first for me, the color is so happy.

Natasha took the time to explain a few different ways to use it.
She holds so much wisdom and knowledge and shares freely!
I’ve made my own ritual with this Sunshine oil
The incense blend is pure medicine! I haven’t even burned it yet because I get what need just smelling it out of the jar and adding it to my bath water.
Please don’t stop making this box.
Thank you or sharing your wisdom."



Deep Heart Listening + Healing Session

"This session was incredible, it can truly be whatever you choose it to be.
She makes it clear that you are in the power seat.
Natasha is a beautifully gifted mentor and teacher.
I learned so much in 90 minutes!
Since English is not my first language I was really shy to book this session speak!
But did get to feel comfotable with her and open up.
It takes a special skill set to work with people whose language is different than yours, I really felt the experience she had and I will come back for my confidence boost and new ways of thinking!"


"Natasha is truly gifted at holding space, I look forward to working with her on a regualr basis. She welcomed all parts of myself to be seen, heard and witnessed.
I was able to allow myself to be supported and receive a remote healing session after the listening session, which was amazing. I am still processing that.
I loved that she took the time to connect me with resources and share her wisdom on plant medicines that could potentially benefit me too!
A beautiful start to 2024!"

Vancouver, Canada

"This service along with the remote healing have become a lifeline for me. There was a point when I was getting the remote sessions weekly.
I've struggled with sticking with a therapist over the years, Natasha was kind enough to connect me with some services and people that could meet my needs.
She says come as you are and means it. She met me where I was with no juddgement and I felt very safe and seen. If you don't want advice, she won't give it. If you want someone who will hold you accountable, she will do this too.
She even took extra time to teach me about flower essences and which ones could potentially benefit me.
The energy healing sessions have been life changing for me, I love that I can buy sessions and don't have to think about booking a time and day."

Toronto, Canada

"A very special Medicine Woman. I am so grateful to have met. I chose deep heart listening with remote healing through a video call. I was feeling very scattered energetically, depleted and defeated.

As soon as we started the call I could feel I was being held in a beautiful safe grounding place.
I appreciate her trauma informed approach.

Being listened to was so healing for me!

The remote healing session was a first, I felt it very strongly, really helped to ground me further and give clarity.
I had the best sleep!

She is intuitive, her notes she gave me after were accurate, she pointed out where my energetic blocks were and how she removed them. She counseled me on energetic hygiene which I found  very helpful.

This service is so needed for everyone! I will be doing this again.
 Thank you"

New York

"Being listened to this way has become a new part of my self care routine.
It literally shifts things for me.
Thank you for offering this service in such a beautiful and accessible way."

Victoria, Bc

"Thank you for witnessing me.
The things that have erupted and grown since our session~ 1 session!!
The insights, the clarity, the release.
My mind is blown."

Tanya, Australia

"Natasha I’ve been seeing a therapist for YEARS!!!
What I gained out of one hour with you cannot even begin to compare.
This to me is what talk therapy should be.

The medicine you offer through your way of listening and energy work is profound and something I’ve never experienced.
The space you held was deep and I felt very safe like I was in a cocoon. At the same time it was like I was in a world outside our world if that makes sense.
The world needs your skills and magic more than ever.
Thank you, thank you, thank you"

K, Canada

"Natasha has provided incredible support over the years for me during some of the most challenging times in my life.
As a man I felt deep shame to express myself this way. There was nobody I felt I could speak with or that would listen to me, but more importantly someone to actually hear me. She held a safe space for me where I felt I could be vulnerable and share my pain without fear of judgement. I didn't know this was possible for me. There are no words to express my thanks."

Ottawa, Ontario

"Hello Natasha,
Could you please post this review on your website for me? I couldn't find a way to do it.
It's been 3 years since I came to you for a session (2020) I was in a dark place.
My relationship was falling apart.

I've never felt heard in that way. Thank you.
I took your reflections on how the female perspective might feel and be thinking.
You were correct, she didn't feel safe at all and I couldn't see how my actions were contributing to this.
I sure do now! You really taught me some things I was not aware of when it comes to women.
I know you say this 100% isn't a counselling service and you aren't one, but there is something here.

I appreciated your way of holding me accountable and reflecting back, I can see I really needed it!
This session with you paved the way to rebuilding my relationship. I didn't think that was possible.
We just got married this year!"

Chris, Usa

Massage sessions

"Incredible session. gifted massage practicioner, very knowlledgeable. The tension melted off me."

Victoria, BC

"I was one of those people who didn't want the sound healing part. Why? Because I had never tried it before and thought it would be distracting.
Was I ever wrong. I ended up asking to experience it and was blown away. I appreciated the way Natasha explained how sound and frequency affects the body.
The massage itself was incredible. She created a beautiful healing space. I'll be back."

Vancouver, BC

 "I could have cried when I found someone who uses sesame oil in a massage setting.
Thank you. Thank you.
I'm so happy I found such an amazing massage person."

Victoria, BC

"I can't wait until you get into a new space that is open to non registered therapists. What a gift you are Natasha. Victoria just hasn't woken up yet.
My sessions with you are always great, thank you for being good to my old bones."

Victoria, BC

Oil of Resilience

"Your Oil Of Resilience is amazing. Heals my dry skin overnight.
Will definitely want more of this wonderful oil."

Ottawa, Canada

"Ordered the solid Shea and Raw Cacao body’s amazing!!! I put it in my bath as suggested and my skin just feels amazing. I love it! Highly recommend. I will be reordering!"

Toronto, Ontario
"I so love my Oil of Resilience (I'm actually wearing it right now!)
 I'm a sucker for all things luxurious + delicious + all-natural + intentionally created, and this oil is all that, and more. I remember the magical maker, Tasha, telling me all about the SMELL while she was making it.              
 Mrinalini, it just smells so GOOD She wasn't kidding...There's pine resin in there, which makes it such a treat for the senses-- it smells *divine* and has such an amazing texture. It's so lovely for a ritualistic body massage, showering your resilient body with extra power of resilience from plant allies. I especially love massaging my face with this post-shower, just before bed.
My skin is glowy + plump in the morning. Thank you, dear friend for creating this magic.
I feel the love and intention behind it. I so appreciate having access to this plant medicine."

Victoria, Bc

Fatty Rose and Fatty Flower Tallow

"I am obsessed with both Fatty Rose and Fatty flower! These are so creamy and deeply moisturizing.
I like that this is just tallow and contains nothing else.
 I love essential oils, but I wanted something that was free of them, these have a light scent that is so fresh. my partner and I love using these and have developed our own rituals with them."

Dawn + Isaac

"Met Natasha when she was printing signs for her Wonder Butter and I asked her what it was and you can see the passion in her eyes when she talks about her products. She intrigued me and I bought her Fatty Flower Body Butter because I got a new tattoo. She told me about the benefits of tallow and it healed my skin faster than anything I ever tried before.
Love your work and passion, Natasha!!"

Melina Lochunah 
Victoria, BC

"OMGGGG this helped the dry patches on my face and arms. Top quality rendering and product. Thank you!!"

"真的很開心你的幫忙, 讓我更深入的認識自己 也讓我知道每個人都有無限的潛力和可能性."
Yuh Yn, 台北, 台湾

"Hi Tasha,
I really love these amazing cream, thank you. 
好喜歡The Rose的天然香味,美麗的味道在掌心慢慢融化且飄散開來;摩擦後的香氣更是繽紛,而且真的只要一點點就很保濕,一直到隔天早上還是很水嫩,非常適合冬天乾燥的皮膚很有異國風情的The Dawn of Chai 很特別,還沒在市面上見過這款香味的乳霜. Shea Coco & Flowers 更是有撫慰心靈的做用本來就很喜歡在臉上及身上塗滿油,現在更愛了"

"Can we please talk about the custom made skin elixir this Goddess made me?!
It is my skin’s soul mate.
A friend gifted this to me and it was intuitively made just for me.
So luxurious with organic aloe, witch hazel hydrolsol and the rose oil. How did she know?
Honestly I have never smelled anything like this! Hit me right in the heart.
I keep it in the fridge, so perfect for the hot and sticky weather in Taipei and totally natural.
My skin feels like silk and the smell is therapeutic."

Taichung, Taiwan

"This stuff is really amazing. I'll be honest: I hated the smell when it arrived, but I've had cracked heels for the last two years despite trying so many treatments, so I was kind of desperate.
The Green Earth Souffle body butter, though, really made a difference!
I did the usual scrubbing with pumice in the shower and then put the Green Earth on every night, and in about a week the skin stopped peeling off, and the cracks started closing, and the skin stayed whole.
Now after two weeks they're almost smooth. I'm so, so pleased and happy.
I wholeheartedly recommend this."

Taipei, Taiwan

"Sex on a Tin for Men brought me back to the roots of scent. This woodland combination ignites the sense of smell giving a heightened feeling of natural stimulation women and men long for. I have had numerous comments from men & women who were entranced by this fragrance. The age of synthetic perfume is over for me. Dare to be different, let your nose lead the way."

"I feel so overwhelmed by blend. It's amazing. You captured the primal scent of sex in such a way that it shocks me."
Taipei, Taiwan

"Your products still have my loyalty all the way from Toronto"
